Connecting Google Calendar with Telegram via Ai

I’m using Telegram and Google Calendar daily. That post is about connecting them with simple AI to make your life easier.

I’m not a fan of productivity - honestly, this trend seems insane to me. However, I do love convenience and things that simplify my life.

Most often, I use 3 services:

  1. Telegram - I practically live in it. Messaging with colleagues, friends, and reading channels - that’s my everything.
  2. Google Calendar - for work tasks and personal meetings, to which I invite other people.
  3. Todoist - for storing periodical tasks, and for everything else.

The last 2 services are integrated, so tasks created in Todoist are synced with Google Calendar and vice versa. On my phone notifications are disabled for all apps except Google Calendar and Telegram, making it very convenient.

I couldn’t find a way to manage my calendar through Telegram, except for integrating Telegram with Todoist through IFTTT which I didn’t like. Recently I have discovered a solution that I still use - is an AI-powered service that connects to the calendar and allows you to modify meetings via Telegram. If you write to Dola (which I picture as a female for some reason), saying “Tomorrow at 11:00 meeting with the client,” it will automatically create the meeting in your Google Calendar. But what’s even cooler is that you can also send voice messages to and it will accurately transcribe them.

I find it incredibly convenient to manage my meetings while driving by simply instructing my AI assistant to either create or cancel them.

I’m very pleased with it and do recommend it.

Telegram chat with Dola

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